City seeks $5.1 million from Federal Stimulus Initiative
February 24, 1009
Re: Federal Stimulus Initiative
Dear Madame President and Member of Council:
Below is information regarding the Federal Stimulus Initiative.
A. December 12, 2008 - Submitted to Hamilton County Regional Planning, then sent to O.K.I. The only change from the December 12, 2008 application that was submitted to Hamilton County is that the Highland Avenue retaining Wall estimated at $1,500.000.00 was replaced with the Sherman Avenue Improvement Project due to timing to get a project started.
B. Applied to State of Ohio - Federal Stimulus Initiative, February 17, 2009. Confirmation February 18, 2009.
1. Sherman Avenue Improvements - Requested $1,100,000.00 for a Street Rehabilitation Project including new curb and storm sewer upgrades. Also, the replacement of an antiquated traffic signal allowing for safer pedestrian and vehicular movements to adjacent schools.
2. Water Tank Rehabilitation - Requested $1,000,000.00 for rehabilitation of existing 0.5 million gallon and a 1.5 million gallon above-ground storage tanks. Project is part of the City’s Water System Operation and Maintenance Plan.
3. Public Works Pole Barn - Requested $500,000.00 for a new building for storage of Public Works equipment and material. Will reduce maintenance costs and increase useful life of the equipment.
4. Montgomery Road Improvements - Requested $2,200,000.00 to replace antiquated traffic control system with new energy efficient LED signalization, interconnected to enhance traffic flow. Construct 20 bus pads alleviating the pavement rutting and shoving which is both a safety concern and maintenance issue.
5. City Hall Renovation - Requested $ 300,000.00 to replace existing windows in City Hall with new energy efficient windows as part of ongoing upgrades.
Total requested from the State: $5,100,000.00.
C. February 19, 2009 - applied to O.K.I. For two projects that are eligible on their list.
Priority One: 1. Montgomery Road Improvements for $2,200,000.00 for construction in 2010 due to all the requirements that need to be met with federal funding.
Priority Two: 2. Sherman Avenue Improvements for $1,100,000.00 for construction in 2009.
E. February 23, 2009 - received a letter from the Ohio E.P.A. directing anyone with water projects to submit to the State of Ohio - Federal Stimulus Initiative also known as** We will be submitting additional water projects in the near future since the Ohio E.P.A. has suspended any deadlines for submitting potential drinking water project- pre-applications to the agency.
Thomas F. Williams, Mayor
City of Norwood
**The website states that 10,269 proposals have been submitted as of 2/25/09.