Citizens For A Better Norwood

Monday, February 16, 2009

Congratulations to Norwood Bus. and Prof. Women’s Club!

Tomorrow evening, at 6:30 p.m., Norwood Business and Professional Women’s Club is celebrating their 75th anniversary in the Holy Trinity undercroft at 2420 Drex Avenue. This wonderful organization formed in 1934 and a year later started the annual Norwood Day at Coney Island, which, by the way, is scheduled for July 22 this year.

Mayor Tom Williams will be on hand at tomorrow’s festivities to read a proclamation in honor NBPWC, and there will be a performance by a choral group from Norwood High School. Additionally, new officers for the next two years will be sworn in and several new members will be initiated. Former Norwood Health Commissioner Donna Laake will be the group’s new president, replacing outgoing president Kay Stevens.

We’ve added NBPWC to our links on the right hand side.

(h/t to Laura)