Citizens For A Better Norwood

Thursday, February 05, 2009

David Pepper asks Hamilton Co. residents to take survey

Two days ago, Hamilton County Commissioner posted this blog inviting all Hamilton County residents to respond to this 9-question survey about “what is happening in your community.” Several of the questions focus on how Hamilton County can better serve communities. Here’s a sampling:

- How could the County better assist you and your local government with the needs in you community? Check all that apply.
- By order of importance, one being of highest priority, and five being of lowest priority, please rank the following issues your community faces:
-What specific ways could the County be of most assistance to your community?

We’re going to respond to the survey and thought some of our readers might like to as well. Wouldn't it be great if our own local officials conducted a similar online survey for residents to provide feedback, maybe include questions about our City's street repair program and snow removal efforts? We would be glad to help by posting a link a to it.