Citizens For A Better Norwood

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Citizens on Patrol Update

Since our September COP update, two new volunteer recruits have completed their training and are on patrol, according to Lt. Tom Williams, Jr., Coordinator of the NPD-sponsored COP Program. We were glad to learn from him that soon all the volunteers will be trading in their lined warmup jackets for new winter COP coats that are on order.

In addition to their expanded patrols through our neighborhoods, Citizens on Patrol are also a presence in the parking lots at Surrey Square and the Rookwoods during the holiday season when thieves are on the prowl for vulnerable shoppers. Lt. Williams has coordinated this with management of the three shopping centers. The volunteers are patrolling from approximately 7 - 9 p.m., and when they spot any suspicious people or activities, they will use their radios to summon the on site security detail for assistance. If you see the COPs in the parking lots while you’re shopping, be sure to ask them for one of the holiday book marks with safety tips they’re handing out.

If you’re interested in joining this great effort to keep our neighborhoods safer, contact Lt. Williams at the NPD at 458-4545.

We want to thank everyone with the COP Program for all they’re doing to make our neighborhoods and holiday shopping safer for Norwood residents and visitors to our community. And Merry Christmas to all!