Citizens For A Better Norwood

Monday, March 26, 2012

2012 NEXUS garden applications available now

Guest blog by Molly Robertshaw

Want to save money, get involved in your community, become even healthier, and have some fun in the sun this season? Well, the NEXUS (Norwood-Evanston-Xavier Urban Sustainability) Community Garden is now accepting applications for new gardeners for the 2012 growing season. Norwood community members are encouraged to join and no prior gardening experience is necessary. Plots are $25 for the season (includes tools, seeds, water, compost, and new friends!) and the garden is located at 1714 Cleneay Ave. To learn more visit our website or contact Molly at 745-3560 or Hope you can come grow with us this season!

Molly Robertshaw, M.S.W.
Assistant Director, Service & Justice
Dorothy Day Center for Faith and Justice
Xavier University