Citizens For A Better Norwood

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

115 volunteered for Great American Clean up Day

Following is a letter from Jennifer Wallace, Executive Director of the Norwood Recreation Commission, to City Council thanking community members for cleaning up our parks Saturday, April 26:

April 30, 2008

Dear Madame President and members of Council,

The annual Great American Clean up was Saturday, April 26, 2008. We had over 115 volunteers cleaning up in several park areas. Half of the volunteers were under the age of 16. It is great to see so many people dedicated to their community to invest time into our parks. We had volunteers at the following parks: Burwood, Millcrest, Northwoods, Lindner, and Waterworks. They cleaned up trash, old tires and did some painting. We would like to thank everyone for the time and dedication to our community parks. We appreciate everyone who helped.


Jennifer Wallace
Executive Director
Norwood Recreation Commission

cc: Mayor Tom Williams
Joe Geers, Safety-Service Director
Tom White, Public Works