Citizens For A Better Norwood

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The American Legion Norwood Post 123

During the Norwood Day Parade the first thing you will see is the Honor Guard of the American Legion carrying the flag that these men and women served under during war time. In addition, the American Legion holds ceremonies and services throughout the year honoring those who have lost their lives and those still serving, defending our Nation.

What is less known is the work they do in the area of youth baseball leagues, Oratorical Competitions, scouting sponsorships, flag education, scholarship information, Children's Miracle Network, Ronald McDonald House, youth suicide prevention, Halloween safety and many other programs.

The American Legion Post 123 in Norwood, Ohio needs your help locating and contacting individuals who have served in the United States Military during times of war so that they can become active in their local Post. The cost of membership is about $35, and the eligibility dates and branches of service can be found at the American Legion website below. In addition, you can call the Norwood Post 123 at 396-7337. The Post is located at 5129 Montgomery Road.

The American Legion