Citizens For A Better Norwood

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Norwood Republican political life the topic of two Enquirer articles

One lighthearted, the other…well, disturbing

This is a chuckle. Finally, we all know from today’s Enquirer why Tom Brown threw his hat in the ring for Norwood City Auditor in this Tuesday’s Republican primary with incumbent Donnie Jones. We knew Mr. Brown, at least, wasn’t campaigning for the office. As it turns out, there’s really no race at all, and Mr. Brown says he’ll be laughing if he happens to win and adds, "I'll have a long talk with Donnie to see if he still wants the job." Sounds like he might not be voting for himself this time.

Not a chuckle is this lengthy article about Norwood’s Gary Hubbard's long and unsavory career as a Republican political appointee both here and with Hamilton County. He was recently fired from his position in the Hamilton County Court of Clerk’s office for fixing his own parking tickets.

And if you hadn’t heard the news yet, this Enquirer article reports that both Rookwood Commons and Pavilion were sold at the end of March to JP Morgan for $220 million and that Jeff Anderson is still interested in developing the Exchange.