Big day this Saturday: Drop off old tires, pick up a free tree!!
Who says this city doesn’t rock?
This Saturday is both Norwood Tire Drop Off Day AND Arbor Day, which means right after you’ve tossed your old tires in the dumpster on Mills Avenue by the old Safety Lane Building, you can head over to the annual Arbor Day celebration from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Community Center and pick up your free tree…or bring some plants or seeds to swap…or “bid n buy” some new ones. What a great day to start beautifying our surroundings for spring!
This Saturday is both Norwood Tire Drop Off Day AND Arbor Day, which means right after you’ve tossed your old tires in the dumpster on Mills Avenue by the old Safety Lane Building, you can head over to the annual Arbor Day celebration from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Community Center and pick up your free tree…or bring some plants or seeds to swap…or “bid n buy” some new ones. What a great day to start beautifying our surroundings for spring!