Win prizes at Xavier’s free Financial Fitness Day
Prizes include flat-screen TV
Prizes include flat-screen TV
A monthly feature
A. Total of emergency responses for the month of December = 347
Medic Runs = 256
Fire Runs = 6 (Building, Brush, etc.)
Average Response Time on Runs = 3 minutes, 37 seconds (city-wide)
Number of incidents by type:
Fire Runs – 6 - (Building, Brush, etc.)
Overpressure, Explosion - 0
Rescue & Medic Unit Assists – 44 - (lock-in, extrications, traffic accidents, etc.)
Hazardous Conditions (no fire) - 7 - (power lines down, arcing, spills, etc.)
Service Call - 7 - (smoke removal)
Good Intent - 9 - (odor of smoke, controlled burning)
False Alarms – 18 - (false alarms, system malfunctions, smoke detector activated, etc.)
Severe Weather - 0
Special Incident - 0
B. Fire Hydrant Activity
492 Hydrants strapped & pumped as needed
C. Bureau of Fire Safety Activities = 196
Total Inspections – 45 - (residential, schools, churches, businesses)
Total Violations – issued 80
Total Violations – corrected 21
Total Block Inspection - Unit #’s 1, 2, 3 - Rental & multi-family - 3
Referrals to Health and Building Depts. - 6
Additional Activities - 41
Individual…………….$ 89,438.73
Business………………$ 31,064.39
TOTAL………………$ 1,247,415.31
Collections Dec. 2011….……….....…................$ 1,293,099.70
Collections thru Dec. 2012...........................$1,247,415.31
3.5% decrease in collections from 2011.……….($ 45,684.39)
City Council’s Committee of the Whole meets today at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers to discuss the following agenda items:
1. Bond Financing
2. SAFER Grants
3. Metropolitan Sewer District projects
There will be guest speakers.
Saturday, February 25
Introduction to Hatha Yoga
Learn basic Hatha Yoga with Jeanne Speier. Please bring a mat or beach towel.
2:00 p.m.
Registration recommended. Call 369-6037.
Guest blog by González Lupe Hoyt
Love Stories in the Night Sky and Meditation Under the Stars
On The Same Page 2012
Guest blog by Brad King
February is American Heart Month, and unfortunately, most of us know someone who has had heart disease or stroke. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States; one in every three deaths is from heart disease and stroke, equal to 2,200 deaths per day. These conditions are also leading causes of disability preventing people from working and enjoying family activities.
Here are some of the things that you can do to help prevent heart disease:
1. Get up and get active by being physically active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week.
2. Make your calories count by eating a heart-healthy diet in fresh fruits and vegetables and low in sodium and trans fat.
3. Show your support for heart health and wear red on Friday February 3rd
4. If you smoke, get help to quit
5. Get your blood pressure checked regularly:
a. The Norwood Health Department provides two free blood pressure clinics every month. The first clinic takes place at the Health Department on the first Friday of every month from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. The second clinic takes place at the Norwood Senior Center on the second Wednesday of every month from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Let us all work together in reducing/preventing heart disease and stroke. If you need more information please contact the Health Department or visit
Brad King, MPH, RS
Norwood Health Commissioner