Xavier’s Symposium for Parents of Special Needs Children
On Friday, March 2 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. in Xavier’s Cintas Center, Tri-state parents raising children with special needs will find information, resources and networking opportunities in an effort to build family resiliency and learn to not only survive—but to thrive. Plenty of free parking is available. Registration is $25, including lunch, and can be completed online at www.xavier.edu/familyresiliency. A limited number of free admissions exist for families who cannot afford the fee. Please call 513-745-3703. The event is co-sponsored by the Center for Infants and Children with Special Needs at Cincinnati Children’s and Xavier University’s College of Social Sciences, Health & Education.
The keynote address will be given by Dr. Gary Sweeten of Sweeten Life Systems. It is his life’s work to support families raising children with special needs both practically and spiritually. He recently began mobilizing churches and community organizations to build support systems around families of children with disabilities. In this session, he will share key insights from parents and caregivers of children with special needs, and how to support them, lower their stress, and increase their effectiveness and resiliency.
Eighteen breakout sessions will feature topics such as Developing Financial Trusts, Faith and Resiliency, IEPs, Health and Wellness, Insurance Waivers, and Dealing with Grief. Click here to see the full list.
A resource fair will feature 75 service agencies, community agencies, companies and professionals specializing in medical support, recreation, community programs and services, home health, financial planning and more. The event is completely handicapped-accessible. Click here to register or to get more details, or contact Tom Knestrict at 745-3703 or by email at knestrictt@xavier.edu.
The keynote address will be given by Dr. Gary Sweeten of Sweeten Life Systems. It is his life’s work to support families raising children with special needs both practically and spiritually. He recently began mobilizing churches and community organizations to build support systems around families of children with disabilities. In this session, he will share key insights from parents and caregivers of children with special needs, and how to support them, lower their stress, and increase their effectiveness and resiliency.
Eighteen breakout sessions will feature topics such as Developing Financial Trusts, Faith and Resiliency, IEPs, Health and Wellness, Insurance Waivers, and Dealing with Grief. Click here to see the full list.
A resource fair will feature 75 service agencies, community agencies, companies and professionals specializing in medical support, recreation, community programs and services, home health, financial planning and more. The event is completely handicapped-accessible. Click here to register or to get more details, or contact Tom Knestrict at 745-3703 or by email at knestrictt@xavier.edu.