Citizens For A Better Norwood

Friday, August 12, 2011

Hallelujah! Norwood Schools rated EXCELLENT on state report card!

Guest blog by Rob Amodio

August 12, 2011

The Ohio Department of Education has posted the final report card designations for all public schools in thestate of Ohio. The Norwood City School District has been designated by O.D.E as EXCELLENT! This is thefirst time in the long proud history of our district that we have achieved such lofty status!

Congratulations and job well done to each and every staff member, student, parent and community member who placed so much passion, effort and abilities into making our district a truly EXCELLENT school district.

Listed below are the ratings for each individual building as well as several district wide indicators. Congratulations again to all on a job well done.

High School- Excellent
Middle School- Excellent
Sharpsburg- Effective
View- Effective
Williams- Effective
Graduation Rate- Met State Indicator
Attendance Rate- Met State Indicator

Rob Amodio
Norwood City Schools