Citizens For A Better Norwood

Monday, August 16, 2010

Mayor Williams: Finance Committee should fund new paramedic unit

Following is an open letter from Mayor Williams to the community:

August 16, 2010

As we are all aware and I have been stating since last July, our financial situation is deteriorating at a fairly rapid pace. This, of course, should come as no surprise to anyone. I have my beliefs on how we got to this position but for now, we should concentrate on what our priorities should be and discuss causes at a later date.

In the past as we faced financial problems, we took the position that we could not let our City services decline to the point where quality of life, and yes, life-threatening situations occur. There is one glaring situation that must be dealt with and that is a paramedic vehicle. The issue has been in the discussion phase for months. As discussions go on, the condition of our paramedic vehicles continues to decline.

I have heard recently, when large sums of money have been spent, that the City had an obligation to spend that money. Now, we have an obligation to find the funds for a vital life-saving piece of equipment. At the Finance Committee Meeting on August 17th, I will be urging the Finance Committee to fund a paramedic unit.

We cannot have someone calling for a paramedic unit and have to pend on mutual aid.


Thomas F Williams, Mayor
City of Norwood