Citizens For A Better Norwood

Monday, September 15, 2008

UPDATE: Allison petition at Krogers this week

Sarah Horsely tells us the Allison parents team has gathered at least 400 signatures on the Allison petition (see 9/13/08 blog below for the text) since Saturday, and there may be more because she wasn’t been able to reach all of the team members this morning who collected signatures over the weekend. Several of the parents will be outside Krogers' front door this week from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. asking Norwood residents to sign the petition.

The Allison parents are encouraging everyone to attend the Board of Education meeting at 6:00 p.m., this Thursday, September 18, at the BOE offices at 2132 Williams Avenue when they plan to present the petition and address Superintendent Steve Collier’s recommendation that Allison Elementary be closed. This meeting is the first opportunity for school board members to vote on closing the school.