Citizens For A Better Norwood

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fenwick Park Grant project

The following letter from Norwood Recreation Director Jennifer Wallace to Norwood City Council appears on tonight's council meeting agenda:

September 17, 2008

Norwood City Council

4645 Montgomery Rd.
Norwood, Ohio 45212

Dear Madame Chairperson and Members of Council,

We received a letter from council requesting information about the Fenwick Park Grant project. We have received the bid information from playground equipment companies and we have received new picnic tables and benches for the park thanks to Donna Laake and the recycling fund. We are going to set up a meeting with the Mayor and Joe Geers to go over the playground plans and see about what improvements we can do to the restroom with the remainder of the funds available. If you have any additional questions please let us know. Thank you for your time.


Jennifer Wallace,
Executive Director,
Norwood Recreation Commission

Cc: Mayor Williams
Joe Geers, Service-Safety Director