Citizens For A Better Norwood

Thursday, August 07, 2008

August WNNA meeting to feature Xavier Square answers

Bill Graff, Vice President of the West Norwood Neighborhood Association, invites everyone to attend the group's August 19 meeting to hear Xavier officials answer questions about the university’s plans for the Xavier Square project. Questions collected from attendees of last month’s WNNA meeting were handed over to Byron White with X.U.’s Community Building Institute so he could determine which Xavier personnel directly involved in the project would be best suited to answer them. Bill tells us Mr. White will be bringing 4-5 other Xavier officials to answer the questions.

What: WNNA meeting
When: Tuesday, August 19 at 7:30 p.m.
Where: Community Center at 1810 Courtland Avenue

8/10/08 Note: Haloscan comment counter is out of order. There is 1 comment.