Citizens For A Better Norwood

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

NHD’s Communicable Disease Program stats

Last week, we obtained a copy of the Norwood Health Department’s “2007 Annual Services Report to the Community, “ which has last year’s statistics for the services residents receive. Today, we're starting a series of blogs using excerpts from the report…while we’re all waiting to learn what city council members have in mind for the future of our Health Dept. First up is the Communicable Disease Program, a program that would not be duplicated by contracting with Hamilton County Public Health, according to Donna Laake’s analysis this past Friday (see below). Note that 7 positives resulted from TB screenings:

Communicable Disease Program or “Can I Catch That from Someone?”

Communicable Disease Control provides for the analysis, reporting, control, follow up, education and prevention of communicable disease within the City of Norwood and protects the residents from exposure and/or contracting a communicable disease.

A. Reportable Diseases: 79 Total Cases
Hepatitis C Chronic: 35
Strep. Pneumonia: 2
Campybolacter: 6
Biardia: 4
Hepatitis B Chronic: 5
Salmonella: 2
Influenza: 4
Shigella: 21

B. TB Screenings:
Firemen tested: 50 - 50 Negative results and 7 Previous positive results
TB tests to others: 229 - 222 Negative results and 7 Positive results

C. Immunization Clinics:
1.) 21 Clinic Sessions with 340 total visits from 150 children and 190 adults
2.) 552 Total vaccines administered (excluding TB testing)

D. Influenza Clinic
Influenza Clinic provides vaccine to reduce the incidence/illness of flue among Norwood residents. Public Health Nurses do home visits each year to reach those shut-ins who are unable to come to Norwood Health Department for shots…

Total flu shots administered: 1,448, including 113 to people in their homes, 986 at NHD, 27 at the Senior Center, and 123 school employees