Citizens For A Better Norwood

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

And don’t let the bed bugs bite…

We first heard about bed bugs making a comeback in New York last year. Now they’re in Cincinnati, but they’ve also debuted here in Norwood, too, according to one of our local Health Dept. nurses. They don’t just randomly invade homes or travel from house to house on a street on their own steam. Thankfully, bed bugs are fairly lazy, so they require free transportation into our bedrooms, often inside used mattresses, box springs, or upholstered furniture purchased at secondhand shops. They’re showing up in hotels, too, so even after you’ve done a thorough bed check, keep your suitcases away from the bed so you don’t bring them home. Call the Norwood Health Department at 458-4600 if you or someone you know has these unwanted visitors. Tell them you just got back from a week of Broadway plays and must have brought them home from the Waldorf-Astoria. We're kidding, of course. Always tell the truth, but it would be fun to see who would laugh first.