Citizens For A Better Norwood

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Norwood neighbors aim to improve Upper Millcrest Park

Following is a guest blog by Sarah Allan, who is helping with the revitalization of Upper Millcrest Park. Sarah is also the Ward 1 Democratic candidate City council.

My name is Sarah Allan and together with several neighbors who live in West Norwood, we have taken an interest in the revitalization of Upper Millcrest Park at the end of Mills Avenue. Many of us have children and place a high value on being able to walk places with them, particularly to parks. While Upper Millcrest Park might leave a bit to be desired, we see it as having great potential as an asset for the West Norwood community.

So far, our group has met with the city recreation director and its board to review work that needs to be done in the park. As a first step, we have started doing some short term improvements with the help of the city, including planting flowers, bringing more picnic tables to the park, defining a picnic area with mulch, and removing part of an abandoned tennis court to facilitate a demonstration garden that will provide fresh organic produce to the neighbors of West Norwood.

Our next step is to produce a master plan for the park so that we can then apply for grants. It is important for us to engage as many stakeholders in this process as possible, and while we are specifically focused on getting the neighbors of West Norwood involved, all are welcome to participate. We will be having a community input session on Thursday, August 11th at the Norwood Community Center at 1810 Courtland Ave. from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.** Light snacks will be provided. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Sarah Allan

Date to be confirmed