Citizens For A Better Norwood

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mayor Williams letter re new program to improve Norwood

Mayor Williams sent us the following letter to community members:

June 23, 2011

At the June 14th Council meeting during the administrative report, I along with Donna Laake, reported on a program that was brought to us from landlords who truly care about the City and want to work with the City to improve rental property. This is an extensive program that will be discussed at the Council Committee of the Whole meeting on July 7th. Basically, the intent of the program is to assist and incentivize those who participate in the program to attract quality tenants to our City. We have been working on poor rental property for years. We began our KOPS (Keep Our Property Safe) Program in 2009. This program is based mainly on police calls to a specific location. The Police Department, Fire Department, Building Department and the Health Department all participate in the joint inspections.

The fact of the matter is, strong enforcement is only part of the equation. As you look around, you can plainly see that some rental property is being occupied by those who disrupt the neighborhood and for the most part contributing nothing yet raise the cost of services. I also feel safe in saying that our drug problems by far do not happen in owner-occupied properties.

This program will incentivize landlords to enter the program and thus begin the process of improving our City. I fully realize that statements about those who contribute northing yet drain our services are not politically correct, but we find ourselves in a position where we cannot worry about that at his point in time.

The goal is simply this, to continue our enforcement efforts whether it be police or code enforcement while at the same time working with good landlords to improve our City environment.

This is a vital issue, so if at all possible, please attend Council meetings pertaining to this issue or feel free to contact my office at (513) 458-4501.

Thomas F. Williams, Mayor
City of Norwood