Citizens For A Better Norwood

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Symposium for parents of children with special needs at X.U.

Raising children with special needs is a tough job. But it can also be very rewarding. That is the message of a symposium co-sponsored by the Center for Infants and Children with Special Needs at Cincinnati Children’s and Xavier University’s College of Social Sciences, Health & Education on Friday, April 8 from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. in the Cintas Center. Tri-state parents raising children with special needs will find information, resources and networking opportunities in an effort to build family resiliency and learn to not only survive but to thrive. Plenty of free parking is available. Registration is $25, including lunch, and can be completed by clicking here.

The keynote address will be given by Dr. Michael Sorter, Director of Psychiatry at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.

Workshop presenters include:

Planning for Your Childs Financial Future - Northwest Mutual Insurance and Scott Silver of Paragon Financial
Dr. Kathy Winterman of Xavier’s special education department
Dr. Sarah Melcher, chair of Xavier’s Theology Department on Biblical Perspectives on Disability
Gary Tonks, Director of The Arc of Ohio on waivers
Tim Vogt director of Starfire Council and What’s Next - A support and networking group empowering individuals and families with disabilities
Joe Link and Dr. Sharon Merrill of Xavier’s education department about the XUC Initiative for college-bound children with special needs
Ava Fried about Cincinnati Children’s Special Needs Resource Directory
John Romer, Director of Hamilton County DD Services about Adult Advocacy Group
Sandy Keiser, LISW of Cincinnati Catholic Charities- When the Child of Your Dreams has a Disability
Joan Hoxsey, CEO Relationship Resources, LLC - Appreciative Parenting- from Surviving to Thriving, Appreciative Inquiry and Resilience.
Debi Smith- Director of Youth Services for Easter Seals
Sue Bitsko of Hamilton County Educational Service Center on Issues in Special Education

A resource fair will feature 30-40 service agencies, community agencies, companies and professionals specializing in medical support, recreation, community programs and services, home health, financial planning and more. The event is completely handicapped-accessible. Click here to register or to get more details, or contact Tom Knestrict at 745-3703 or by email at .