Citizens For A Better Norwood

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Holiday cards for soldiers

Guest blog by Andrew Clark

It is hard to believe that summer is almost over and the holidays will be here before we know it. You may have read an article in the Norwood Star about “Cards for Soldiers.” This holiday season, our goal is to have Norwood Soldiers receive cards and letters of encouragement and gratitude around the holidays.

In next month’s issue of the Norwood Star, we will publish a list of soldiers who will probably not be home for the holidays. We want everyone who is able to send a card or letter to one or all of these soldiers to do so. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just thank them and let them know you are thinking of them. If you prepare cards every year, you can simply add them to your list. We are publishing the list in the November issue because sometimes delivery of mail to soldiers can take up to a month so we recommend that you send by the end of November or early December.

I know the holidays are a special time for our family. I love spending time with my family over our holiday meals and just sitting and enjoying each others company. You may enjoy this time too. Many of our soldiers will not have this opportunity this year, as they will be away from home fighting to keep our country safe. I know from talking to soldiers and their families that they will enjoy this.

If you know someone in the military that may not be home for the holidays and would love to receive cards, please send their name and address to or give me a call at 706-6893. I appreciate those of you who have already called to say you will be sending cards. The soldiers will greatly appreciate it.

Andrew Clark
Norwood Star