Citizens For A Better Norwood

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

42 planters available for adoption

As in years past, former Health Commissioner Donna Laake is overseeing the adoption of planters by businesses, individuals, civic groups, churches, and others organizations that want to beautify areas of our city this summer. 42 planters are available this year through funding from a Community Development Block Grant as part of the Streetscape Program. If you would want a planter near your home at an intersection but don’t want the sole responsibility of caring for it, recruit some neighbors to pitch in and help, but hurry while supplies last. Adopting planters is as easy as 1-2-3:

1. Promise you will care for and water each planter faithfully, then
2. Email Donna Laake at and tell her you want to adopt a planter or planters and where you would like it/them placed.
3. Donna will take it from there and make arrangements for delivery to the location at no charge to you.