Citizens For A Better Norwood

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Moore’s welcome Elijah Cooper

Councilperson Keith Moore and his wife Lisa are the proud parents of a new 7 pound, 19½ inches baby boy, Elijah Cooper, who made his appearance at exactly 2:03 p.m. on Friday, January 8. Keith tells us, “We will probably call him Eli a lot, but I tend to call kids all kinds of things.” And just what does that mean? He went on to explain that he calls Eli’s older brother Nathan, age 9, “Nate, Nat, Nator Gator, Nate the Great, Nate the Snake, Natbob, etc. And, of course, at times it will be ‘ELIJAH COOPER! STOP THAT NOW!!” Congratulations to Lisa, Keith, and Nate the Great, on the addition of Eli the Baby to their family tree, and, as Mayor Williams put it at last night’s council meeting, for increasing the City’s population.