We want to thank Xavier University’s Public Affairs Office and Councilperson Keith Moore, Chairman of the Community Development Committee, for sending us information about this Thursday’s presentation of the Norwood Housing Strategy, a study of local housing conducted by Property Advisors over the past several months. We hope every Norwood property owner will attend this important meeting.
Public Affairs announcement:
Everyone is encouraged to attend the presentation of the Norwood Housing Strategy on Thursday, November 13 at 7:00 p.m. at Norwood High School in the mini-auditorium. The Community Building Institute, along with Property Advisors, will be presenting the preliminary findings on housing research conducted over the past several months. The team, working with Norwood Mayor Tom Williams and Norwood City Council, has completed a physical conditions survey of all the housing in Norwood. It has conducted over 20 interviews with Norwood residents, realtors and property owners and business owners about their thoughts on the housing market. Market research has been done on property values, foreclosures, sales activity and other relevant housing information.
The meeting is intended to present this information and, most important, get the community’s feedback and comments. Based on that input, a set of recommendations will be developed about how best to accomplish the goals of the community for housing in the next several years. This work should be completed by the end of the year for the community’s consideration.
The Community Building Institute is a partnership between Xavier University and the United Way of Greater Cincinnati. The CBI team is a diverse group of community-building professionals from Greater Cincinnati with extensive grassroots experience in a wide range of areas including community planning, community organizing, public policy, media relations, government administration, nonprofit administration, geographic information systems, corporate philanthropy, community relations, programs for the disabled and home ownership.
Keith Moore’s remarks:
The study included a visual rating of every piece of Norwood property, census data, info from the Hamilton County Auditor going back 3 years, interviews with 20 or so people familiar with Norwood and the housing market, and marketing data.
CBI and Property Advisors will present their findings (this is pretty much the same presentation that has been airing on Government Access), but it's incomplete without feedback from the community.
We're hoping to get as much input as possible on the study findings and on where to go from here.
The plan is to use this info to put together programs to improve investment in Norwood housing stock, attract new homeowners, and to transition property from rental to owner-occupied.