Citizens For A Better Norwood

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bring your questions about Xavier Square to WNNA meeting

Bill Graff, Vice President of the West Norwood Neighborhood Association, invites everyone to come to this coming Tuesday night’s meeting with any and all questions we have about the Xavier Square project that will be getting underway soon. Byron White with X.U.’s Community Building Institute will be there to get a feel for what community members are curious and concerned about. Any questions he can’t answer on the spot will be addressed at the August meeting when the appropriate Xavier personnel will be present to respond. Aware of the huge impact Xavier Square will have on our community, WNNA has and will continue to keep a watchful eye on the project. This is a great opportunity to get involved and informed and perhaps have some impact as things develop. Click here for a refresher on what’s planned for the square and an interactive map.

Also on Tuesday’s agenda are the two new owners of the former used furniture and appliance store next to Buskin’s Bakery in the 4100 block of Montgomery Rd. They’re having an Open House today at the location for their new business, City Retreats Design Center, LLC. In concept, it’s a one-stop real estate service for buyers and sellers as well as for people whose properties need to be refurbished.

What: WNNA meeting
When: Tuesday, July 15 at 7:30 p.m.
Where: Community Center at 1810 Courtland Avenue