Citizens For A Better Norwood

Thursday, June 12, 2008

29 days left to vote Quatman’s burger the best!

Mike Gabbard just emailed us that Quatman’s is one of 7 Cincinnati area restaurants up for “best burger” at this online polling site. We can vote once a day for the remaining 29 days the poll is open. How about it? Let’s show some hometown support and put Quatman’s in the win column with a little effort! And, of course, email this blog to any people or organizations you think will help.

6/12/08, 8:25 a.m. UPDATE: Quatman's has pulled ahead of Zip's! Yesterday morning when we posted this, Quatman's was in 2nd place with 23% of the vote, and Zip's had 28%. Less than 24 hours later, Quatman's is 27% vs. Zip's 26%. Keep voting, everybody!