Celebrate Black History Month at Drake Planetarium
This Thursday, Drake Planetarium is offering an educational show based on Jeanette Winter’s book “Follow the Drinking Gourd,” which tells the story of how slaves made their escape on the Underground Railroad following the Big Dipper. This website has both photos depicting various aspects of the story and the lyrics to the well known folk song “Follow the Drinking Gourd.”
When: Thursday, Feb. 28; 7 pm.
Where: Drake Planetarium at Norwood High School; 2020 Sherman Avenue; directions here.
Cost: $6 in advance; $7 at the door
Reservations: Call 396-5578; must pre register
When: Thursday, Feb. 28; 7 pm.
Where: Drake Planetarium at Norwood High School; 2020 Sherman Avenue; directions here.
Cost: $6 in advance; $7 at the door
Reservations: Call 396-5578; must pre register