Citizens For A Better Norwood

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Ohioans polled REALLY don’t like eminent domain

Majority doesn't support state using it for public projects

A front page article in today’s Enquirer reports the results of a March '07 Quinnipiac survey of 1,122 Ohio voters. Not only does an 82% majority of those surveyed not support the state using eminent domain for economic development projects like new businesses, 65% don’t support the state using it for public use projects like roads.

The article also reports we may see a statewide amendment on the ballot either this November or the next “that would eliminate cities’ home-rule powers on eminent domain.” Currently, the Ohio Constitution allows municipalities broad home-rule authority to pass ordinances that may vary from state law, allowing them to establish their own policies for taking privately owned land. If the amendment passes, the Ohio legislature would adopt one eminent domain statute that would apply to all government entities. We thought it might be interesting to see how our readers view cities having home-rule powers, so here’s another unscientific poll on that particular question:

Eminent domain question

Should Ohio cities continue to have home-rule powers of eminent domain?

Not sure